Friday, May 14, 2010

Alexis Dawn is 6 years old

Alexis turned 6 years old on March 22.  She is seriously the best kid ever.  She almost always listens, wants to be a helper, loves her mom, dad and sister more than anything in the world and is almost always smiling or being goofy!  This year with her being in school, we deiced to have more of a friend party than an extended family party.  It turned out really good and the kids had a blast.  We rented a jumper and had cupcakes and ice cream and sub sandwiches.  Alexis loved having all her friends over for her special day!  Happy Birthday Miss Alexis Dawn!

The gorgeous birthday girl at her "heart" birthday party
Most of the friends
Made a wish!
Girls, girls, girls!
Messy cupcakes
Avery didn't like the jumper so she jumped on the tramp all day!

Kodie, Alexis and Avery
Birthday girl and her parents...

And then the kids left, and the adults went wild on the jumper!
Fun times I tell ya!
Happy 6th Birthday my big girl Alexis!  We love you tons!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I think as parents we have more fun in the jumpers than the kids do! I remember for Jaden's 2nd birthday we had a mega jumper with a slide and after the kids left we took it over and had a few burns on the elbow & knees after taking tumbles down the slides!!!! They need adult jumpers :)