Friday, April 17, 2009


No picture for this post because I am sure no one wants to see my dirty clothes, but I thought it was extremely entertaining. A month or two ago I got fed up with doing so much laundry on top of everything else. So... I quit doing it. This lasted for 5 days or so, and Cody took over. He usually helps with the laundry, but I do the majority (Or did). This went on with no problem. Well, the other day I was at work and Cody was doing laundry. Alexis called out to Avery to see what she was doing. Avery told Alexis that she was helping dad do laundry. Alexis replied, "Laundry?! Why are you doing laundry? Girls don't do laundry!" Man have I taught that girl well! I did laundry. Hey! I have to keep my skills up!

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