Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

I've said it before, I'll say it again...I LOVE HALLOWEEN!  It is by far my favorite holiday.  This was Alexis' first year in school, and at Eduprize, her school, they have a literacy parade on Halloween (or the day before!).  The kids can dress up as a character from a book.  Well, it just so happens that what she wanted to be for Halloween is a charcter from a book.  Lucky for me, saved me some cash!  She chose to be Dorothy from The Wonderful Wizzard of Oz.  Here she is in the parade, and yes, she really did make that silly face during the parade!  She had a ton of fun!  And then there is a picture of her entire class and teacher.  I was able to spend the day at her school, helping out and watching the festivities.  I really love volunteering at her school, especially on these super fun days!

On Halloween day, we had lots of company.  Cody was out of town deer hunting, so we had my brother Matt, his wife Karie, and daughter Kodie who is 3 months younger than Avery staying with us for the weekend.  We also had my parents and grandparents.  It turned out to be a beautiful day, and the kids spent most of it outside. Of course, posing for pictures!

Earlier in the month, Avery had decided that she wanted to be "Dorofy" as she called it.  Well, Alexis had decided that also, so Alexis was trying to get Avery to change her mind and be something else.  Avery was very upset because she wanted to be "Dorofy" really bad.  So...we ended up with 2 Dorothy's, and I think they were adorable!  Everyone knows I love matching kids!  I was in heaven!  Kodie was an adorable Tinker Bell.  Trick or Treating in our neighborhood is awesome!  We have lived here for 6 years, and every year it is the same.  Everyone out on the porch of their decorated houses, tons of kids and families out enjoying the fall air, and tons of candy.  GG and Joe handed out the candy this year from our house and counted about 300 kids!  That is ridiculous!  I didn't even know there were that many kids in our neighborhood!  We trick or treated for a while, until the kids started complaining, Alexis' ankle hurt, Kodie had to pee, and Avery was tired of walking.  So we went home and helped hand out candy , which the kids love just as much as trick or treating!

Matt, Karie and Kodie

Joe, GG and their great grandaughters

My mom and dad and their grandkids

Ringing the bell!

Alexis loved it this year!

Avery was really into it this year as well

Me and the girls, lazy bones had to ride in the stroller!

Handing out the candy, GG sat here for 3 hours!

In the end, counting and eating their candy!  So today the Halloween decorations came down, and the Thanksgiving ones went up.  Always a sad day in my house!  Oh well, until next year!

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