Saturday, March 17, 2012

Derby Girls

Miss Lexi Lou has been begging me for some time to take her to the roller skating rink.  She wears her roller blades pretty much all day long when she is home and skates all over the house.  Finally we had a free day to take her and her cousin Trista and Aunt Steph and Grandma Jackie were able to come as well.  Let me tell you, roller skating is much harder than I remember!  It was embarrassing that my 7 year old could skate better than me!  I guess my years skating at Skate Town were quite some time ago, and I am quite a bit older!  :)  We had a great time though, even though Avery would not even try to skate!  My little chicken!  Luckily, Grandma Jack was there with her and the watched everyone skate and played some air hockey.  After skating we got some fro yo and went shopping.  Another great day!

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