Sunday, November 29, 2009

And shes up!

Anyone who know me knows that I prefer to put the Christmas tree up on December 23rd and take it down on the 26th.  I've even been known to take it down on the 25th!  That did not make my super festive husband very happy!  Anyway, with all the festivities of the next month coming up, today was pretty much the only day we could put the tree up.  I do believe this is the earliest we have EVER put the tree up!  Avery and Alexis were both very helpful this year and extremely excited!  That does make it worth the mess and hassle!  Avery broke about 3 ornaments before we even started putting the tree together, but all in all it turned out great!  Alexis helped with the entire process and was very proud of herself.  By the time we were done, it was too late to make dinner, so we ordered yummy pizza and finished watching the Christmas Story, a family tradition.  So, bah humbug!  Oh!  And it was Avery's turn to put the tree topper on, and do note the sheer look of terror in her face when Cody lifted her to place it on the tree!  priceless.  Apparently the kid is afraid of heights!


Subi Nukta said...

So cute!

Vickie said...

Hooray! It looks awesome, and the girls look so happy.

Minharos said...

Cute pictures! Did you guys add on to your house? The kitchen looks familiar, but between the tile and the back room it looks like a whole new place!

Melissa said...

Ya, we added on an office for Cody. It is fabulous and was much needed. :)