On October 11 we were privilidged to be in our good friends wedding. Evie and I have been friends since 7th grade. We have been through tons together, and she is my oldest friend! I got married at 19 and she had her son Shayne at 19, and now, finally, 10 years later she finally found a fabulous man to marry. Jake is amazing! We tease her because when they started dating he was only 17! Jail bait! They dated for quite a few years, but waited for her to graduate college and buy a house, and all that boring stuff before they got married. I feel like we planned this wedding for 10 years at least! Anyway, it went off without a hitch and was beautiful. Our entire family was in it so we had a lot of fun getting all dressed up!
Avery did not cooperate during rehearsal, so I was super worried...
We had so much fun in this wedding, and are sooo happy for Evelyn, Jacob and Shayne! Congrats to the Boyds!
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