Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving Thanks 2011

As usual, we had more than one Thanksgiving celebration this year!  We went to my aunt Jean and uncle Rick's house on the Sunday before Thanksgiving to celebrate with our extended family.  It was fun to be able to spend an afternoon with my parents, both sets of grandparents, aunt and uncle, brother, SIL, niece, and my beautiful babies.  We had lots of good conversation, good food, baseball and football!  On actual Thanksgiving day, I had to work so Marmmett and Cody worked on making the feast so it would be ready for when I got home from work.  As luck would have it, I got off work early so we were able to eat at a reasonable hour and then have time to plan our black Friday shopping!  :)  GG and Joe were able to come for the feast as well, and it was delicious!  Marm and Cody definitely outdid themselves as usual!  So much to give thanks for this year for sure.  My family is amazing, we have great jobs, smart, beautiful kids, our reasonably good health, wonderful friends, and so many more countless blessings.  I hope to be able to spend more time this year reflecting on the things I am thankful for daily, instead of just once a year.  

Avery, Kodie and Alexis

Alexis had every single person there play catch with her the entire time!

She LOVES softball

Best cousin friends

My parents and their grandkids

My stud husband posing for the camera

GG and Joe and their great grandkids

Grandma Jean and Grandpa Bob with their great grandkids

My turkeys on turkey day

The kids table feast

The head chef and the assistant


Lexi won!

Avery turned hers into a gun

Here's to many many more years of thanks and friends and family!

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