Mother's Day this was was fabulous as usual! My girls let me sleep in, made me breakfast in bed, got me a beautiful gold heart necklace and homemade cards. Then I took the girl responsible for making me a mother in the first place to get a pedicure with me. She loved it! I take Avery with me all the time to get pedis while Alexis is at school, so this was a special treat for her! We got matching toes. :) Then...dinner. A few weeks ago they built a new Taco Bell right down the street from our house. Not a huge fan of Taco Bell, but oh well right? Well, Avery had watched the thing be built since we drive by it every single day. She wanted to go there so bad, but the chance just never came. So a few days before Mother's Day, Miss Ree got so excited and told me and Cody that she had a great idea. She wanted to take mommy to the new Taco Bell for dinner on Mothers Day. She was sooooo excited, who was I to crush her dreams? So, we had dinner at Taco Bell. And it was wonderful (even though it was Taco Bell). I love my babies and am so glad that I get the opportunity to be their mother.
My flowers from my honey and my cards |
My card from Avery (love the 4 year old writing) |
My card from Lexie |
Me and Lexie off to get pedis |
Our matching toes |
Gourmet dinner at Taco Bell :) |
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