Friday, April 29, 2011


Cancer.  My least favorite word I think.  So 3 years ago when I had Thyroid cancer I thought it was horrible.  I got surgery and did pretty well without that cancerous thyroid.  Every year I celebrated being cancer free.  Happy and cancer free.  I always said that I got my cancer young so I would never get it again.  Cancer should only happen to people once right?  Wrong.  30 years old, and cancer again.  This time it was Dermatofibrosarcoma Protrubrans, or DFSP.  Just a little bump on my left shoulder blade that looked suspicious.  One in a million they tell me.  Well isn't that nice.  I always knew I was one in a million!  So again, under the knife.  Twice actually.  Now I have a lovely 3.5 inch scar on my left shoulder.  They tell me that they got it all, but there is awaly a chance it could come back.  Great.  Now I have to follow up at the dermatologist office every 3 month, the endocrinologist office every year, etc.  I'm really freaking tired of going to doctors.  How many people do you know that have had 2 different kinds of cancer by 30 years old?!  Probably none, except me.  Guess I'm just the lucky one right?  I am of course extremely grateful that both of these cancers were found and treated in a timely manner.  But still, pissed that I have even had to deal with this cancer s*%! TWICE.  Let's hope the second time is for sure the last, and I pray for many more cancer free years to celebrate.


Raejean said...

I'm so sorry that you have to go through this again. Please let me know if there is some way I can help!

Minharos said...

Oh man, it's hard to be so far away when stuff like this happens. I'm so sorry and so glad you caught it early. Here's to a cancer free future!

You guys all look great by the way. Your girls are beautiful growing so fast. We sure miss all of you.