Alexis' actual birthday was the day after her party. We had a ton of people stay the night after her party so she spent the morning with her cousins, and in the afternoon we had some family fun time. She got presents from us, a ball and glove and some new earrings. She loved them all. She loves any presents really!

Then we went to Build a Bear because she had been bugging us for years to go there! She had a blast and loves her new bear.

Alexis and her bear Crudella (no idea where that name came from, but she chose it!)

Avery and her panda Heeyah (Kung Fu panda)

My pretty girls and their new babies.

Mac and Cheese dinner


The Three Musketeers

Alexis had to stand on a chair whild they yelled to everyone that it was her 5th birthday.

She got extremely embarrased, but was a good sport. She loves being 5 and is so excited that she finally got taller. She thinks that overnight she grew taller because she went from 4 to 5 on her birthday. She has grown a ton this year, but not overnight! I won't tell though! Happy Birthday Alexis! Thanks for a great day, and for making me a mommy!
The kids at preschool are still talking about Alexis' party. Good times :)
Happy Birthday, Alexis!
Happy Birthday Alexis! I'm so sad we missed the party, but it looks like you had a blast. I'm not sure that we would have fit anyway :) I can't get over how big the girls are. Alexis looks so sophisticated. They're both adorable!
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