Yes, it is official. I am completly caught up with my blogging! I have pretty much spent this entire day catching up, but now I am done! Now, how long can we go without doing anything worth blogging about? Not long I am sure!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Guess who's one?
That's right! My baby dog is one! I thought we would never make it. Despite her being the cutest dog in the world, I thought we would never survive the potty training, chewing, biting, ignoring, etc. The list goes on and on! But, she went to puppy school, figured out it was more fun to go potty outside, and definitely became part of the family. She is still a lot of work, kinda high maintenance! It's still like having a third child! But we love her and she is becoming a pretty good dog, (contrary to what Cody's family thinks!!) She is an angel when I am around, because I am the boss! I hear she is a terror when we are gone! Just like a child! For being the one who never, ever wanted a dog, I think I love her the most! Alexis calls herself the momma and Avery is becoming her buddy now that they are home together all day! The kids bought her some toys and a new bone for her birthday and she loves them! Happy Birthday Ariel Snow White Halliburton!!
On the way home when we first got her, 7 weeks old
Her first pic with the girls!
Mini photo shoot
Back in January, we took Avery for her 2 year old pictures. Well, she screamed bloody murder the entire time, so we left. We said, when we bring Alexis in March we will do both then. it is August! So Toni, the girls babysitter and I took them out to do a little mini shoot. We got some pretty good ones, but I am definitely no Micaela Anderson! We will be returning to her this fall!
10 Years!
Again, I feel old, but Cody and I have been married for 10 years! We got married August 7, 1999 in Prescott AZ. We have done so much in these 10 years! I graduated college, he started a business, we bought a house (that is now too small!), have had 11 vehicles, 2 kids, cat, dog, 3 fish, and many other numerous accomplishments. We have never been away from our kids, so we decided to do a long weekend away without kids. We went to the Intercontinental Montelucia resort in Paradise Valley while Cody's parents watched the kiddos. We had so much fun. The resort was amazing, beautiful and relaxing. It was so nice to just be able to go and do without worrying about getting the kids ready or bedtimes. We relaxed by the pool, ate, ate, ate, and watched some movies. It's amazing, 10 years has flown by so very fast, and its amazing, we even still love each other! We were gone for 4 days, and by night 3 I was ready to get home to my kids, but then, when I got home, I was ready to go back! I guess there is no happy medium! Happy Anniversary my love!
Helper girl
What do you do when your helper girl goes to school? Train another one! Avery really wants to be the helper now that Alexis isn't here, and I love it! She is so adorabe and always saying to me, "Mommy, I a good helper girl huh?" She has also decided that the dog is now hers.
School days!
Who started kindergarten? Alexis Dawn! I hate to admit because I certainly don't feel it, but I am now old enough to have a child in school. Real school, not preschool. Where has time gone? I remember it like yesterday when Alexis was first born! Why do they have to grow up so stinkin fast? Needless to say, Alexis was ecstatic to begin real school. She went to preschool last year with Miss Vickie and Miss Liz and loved every minute of it. I think they really prepared her for kindergarten entirely. She woke up that morning (July 30, year round school!) with a smile ear to ear and said, "Mommy! Today I go to school! Get up!" So, I got up! I took her school shopping a few weeks ago, and she had to pick out all the latest fashions. Anyone that knows Alexis knows that her favorite color is rainbow, so it was only appropriate that she wore a rainbow dress on the first day of the rest of her life!
Everyday when I pick Alexis up from school, she says it was AWESOME! She likes all of the boys, I never hear about any of the girls, just like when she was in preschool. She seems to be making many new friends, behaving, and learning so much already. She is learning to read pretty good now, and enjoys doing homework! We are so proud of her! And Avery is adjusting to having sissy gone and having mom and dad all to herself! And mom is adjusting to having only one kid at home during the day. Avery is so quiet ( for the most part), but we still miss Alexis and her stories all day! We now just have to wait until the afternoon to hear them! Only 3 more years until Avery goes now!
Our cousins from New York came to visit a few weeks ago Maddie and Gabbie. The girls had so much fun with each other despite the age difference. Alexis loved hanging out with the big girls and the big girls loved taking care of the little girls! We went to the water park, out to dinner and had a bbq and GG and Joe's house. It was a lot of fun and we hope to see these girls again sooner than every 10 years!!!
Potty time
Since Avery turned 2 and maybe a little before, we have been working on potty training. Well, as most of you know, it has not been going well at all! She is my stubborn one. Wants to do everything on her own time. We have some hit and missess, mainly misses, but she is so adorable so that saves the fact that she will prob go to kindergarten in pull ups. They do make them that big, I have checked! Anyway, this was a hit! Alexis sat in their room and read like 20 books to Avery and she finally went potty! She got 2 gumballs and a poopy prize. We went to Walmart to buy her a toy since it was her first #2 success. Yes folks, we do try bribery. Whatever works!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Vacation 2009
This year for family vacation we decided to spend the week camping. We went to Clint's Wells near Payson. We bought a camp trailer a year or two ago and decided to really take advantage of it. We love being out in the woods just relaxing and spending time with our family. The dog and kids love it too! We do so much when we are out there, but usually come home well rested! Sorry for all the pics, but I use this blog as kind of an online journal since I am like 5 years behind on scrapbooking!!!
Our campsite
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