It's hard to believe that my baby is 2 already. I know it sounds cheesy, but it seems like just yesterday I had no kids! Now I have an almost 5 year old and a two year old. Avery is the sweetest thing. She is actually really funny. She is so smart, and constantly jabbers. She went from zero words to 1000 words overnight. It is hilarious to hear her have a conversation between her babies or barbies. Avery wants to be just like her sister, but has very strong opinions of her own when she wants to! She has just started "acting" 2 this week. She is getting a little miss attitude, and is constantly having to be reminded to talk nice. She has no interest in being potty trained. She thinks it is much easier to go in her diaper and tell us when it needs changed. That is going to have to stop!! Avery and Alexis are the best of friends. They are usually together all the time, but when they are not they are always asking about each other. It is so awesome to see how much love they have for each other. I really couldn't ask for better girls. I am so glad that we have Avery to complete our family. She is a very important part of our family, and even though she is getting bigger and older every day, she will always be my baby! Happy birthday Avery Misree!! I love you punkin!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Avery Marie turns 2!
It's hard to believe that my baby is 2 already. I know it sounds cheesy, but it seems like just yesterday I had no kids! Now I have an almost 5 year old and a two year old. Avery is the sweetest thing. She is actually really funny. She is so smart, and constantly jabbers. She went from zero words to 1000 words overnight. It is hilarious to hear her have a conversation between her babies or barbies. Avery wants to be just like her sister, but has very strong opinions of her own when she wants to! She has just started "acting" 2 this week. She is getting a little miss attitude, and is constantly having to be reminded to talk nice. She has no interest in being potty trained. She thinks it is much easier to go in her diaper and tell us when it needs changed. That is going to have to stop!! Avery and Alexis are the best of friends. They are usually together all the time, but when they are not they are always asking about each other. It is so awesome to see how much love they have for each other. I really couldn't ask for better girls. I am so glad that we have Avery to complete our family. She is a very important part of our family, and even though she is getting bigger and older every day, she will always be my baby! Happy birthday Avery Misree!! I love you punkin!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Is there hope?
Tonight we started Puppy school. It is every Monday for 8 weeks. I hope it works. Ariel wasn't the worst one in the class, but definitely top 3!!! I am excited to get some professional advise and consistency between all of us. Alexis is the star pupil, she is already telling us what we are doing wrong and has already completely changed her vocabulary to match that of the instructor. Figures. We should have just let her train her in the first place. Wish us luck!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Haircuts for two
Today Avery had her first "real" haircut. Sissy went first and did fabulous. Then Avery went. She picked Thomas the Train to watch because she loves choo choos. She sat so still just like a statue the entire time. She smiled and enjoyed every minute of it. She keeps talking about her haircut. I told her that she looked very pretty. She said "thank you mommy!" I'm sure this will be the first of many double haircuts. Today it was for $13.00 at Cuts for Kids. Before I know it they will be wanting $100 highlights at Toni and Guy. I better start working extra shifts! They do both look adorable though if I do say so myself!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Beagle for free?
This is Ariel. Nobody told me a dog was so much work. OK. Maybe they did. I didn't listen. I let Alexis get the best of me. Ariel got fixed. She was supposed to leave the satelite dish on for 2 weeks. She made it 9 days. Today is day 10. All her stitches are out. Seriously, how does she do that? My throat hurts from yelling at her. "No! Drop it! Leave her alone!" Those are my three most commonly used phrases these days. Everyone says that she is just a puppy and will grow out of it. I'm not so sure. As I type I hear Cody and the girls chasing her around the house because she took yet another toy from the kids to hide and chew on. At least it keeps her from chewing on her incision. I need some words of advise on this puppy thing. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I like her the best out of all of us. She really is adorable, just a lot of work. Beagle for free?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Ok. So here it is. My first blog post. I am jumping on the bandwagon, and now everyone can know everything about me and my family! Well...not everything!!! I wanted to start this blog so I can have kind of a journal about our everyday stuff, because my kids are so freaking awesome, I just want to remember it all!!! Hopefully I can update it frequently enough so I can capture all the special moments in our lives, and anyone who knows me knows that I love to take pictures, so expect quite a few of those too!!! These pictures are from January 3, 2009. The day I became cancer free from one year!! Yea me. Ever since that day I have really changed my outlook on life. Life can be very short or very long. I am lucky to be able to be on my way to very long. Cancer sucks, but it is so awesome to be free from it. My friends and family are the greatest, and this year is going to be nothing but awesome!!
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